Is Soy harmful for your Gut ?

Introduction Digestive issues Soybean agglutinin Conclusion Introduction For decades, soy has been a controversial food. Soy foods are those made from soybean, a legume. Is soy bad for your gut, and is it healthy? In this review we will come to know whether soy is harmful to your gut and how to add it to […]

Anti-nutrients and Isoflavones in Soy

Anti-nutrients Isoflavones Health effects of isoflavones Conclusion Definition of Antinutrient A naturally occurring substance found in plant derived foods, that interferes with the absorption or proper functioning of nutrients in the body. What are anti-nutrients in soybeans? Soybean is one of the best sources of protein in livestock diets, it is highly nutritious as it […]

Is soya good or bad for thyroid activity?

Introduction Thyroid gland Impact on thyroid hormones Effect on TSH Effect on thyroid function Conclusion Introduction Soy foods have had an important dietary role in Asian countries for thousands of years ago, and due to the result of their suggested health benefits, in recent years they have become increasingly popular in Western countries as well. […]

Does soy affect men’s health and testosterone?

Introduction Testosterone levels Sex hormone Erectile dysfunction Fertility Prostate Cancer Conclusion Introduction The number of reports demonstrating adverse effects of soy isoflavones due to their estrogen-like properties, has increased. It is very common to hear that men should avoid soy foods, due to the estrogenic properties of soy isoflavones.(1)  In this blog we will review […]

Soy infant formula ‘Yes’ or ‘No’

Meaning Comparison Who should choose it Benefits Concerns When to avoid it Conclusion What is soy-based infant formula ? Soy formula is an alternative to cow’s milk formula. Soy infant formula products are intended for babies under 12 months old. Soy protein-based formulas in the United States may account for nearly 25% of the formula […]

Are GMO soybeans ‘healthy’ or ‘unhealthy’?

Introduction Definition Uses Importance Safety measures Concerns Identification and avoidance Conclusion Introduction Although GMO foods are suggested to be safe and sustainable by some  research and organizations, some people claim they may harm your health and the environment. People are concerned about potential side effects and long-term health consequences of eating GMO soy foods. This […]

Is Soya Bad for you?

Introduction Concerns Conclusion Introduction Soybeans were introduced about a hundred years ago in Western countries.They are an excellent source of high quality protein, which most other legumes lack, making the soybean and its food products a superior protein source for people following a strict vegetarian diet.This kind of protein is next only to the protein […]

How healthy are Soybeans?

Introduction Health Benefits Conclusion Introduction Soy is a basic food ingredient of traditional Asian diet used for thousands of years. They were introduced about a hundred years ago in Western countries. Soy foods are common nutritional solutions for vegetarians, due to their high-quality protein content and healthful fat.(1) Soy is arguably one of the most […]

Nutrition Facts of Soybeans

Introduction Nutrient content Vitamins and minerals Anti-nutrients Isoflavones Introduction Soy foods have been part of the traditional Asian diet for thousands of years. Among legumes, soybeans have high protein and fat contents.Nowadays , the fat and protein contents of soybean have been separated  to be used as animal feed or as a food ingredient. They […]

Soybean – An Overview

Introduction Uses Processing of soy to foods Soy foods Summary Introduction Soy is a basic food ingredient of traditional Asian diet used for thousands of years. They were introduced about a hundred years ago in Western countries. Soy foods are common nutritional solutions for vegetarians, due to their high-quality protein content and healthful fat. (1) […]

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